A place where I can share my art work, created by one of the most primitive forms of art expression there is, Pyrography- "the art of burning on wood".
Wow, Brenda, Wow, I thought I was good. You are REALLY good. Just started blogging (a week ago) and decided to see what happened if I clicked on one of my interest links. who knew? Great way to network. I've been woodburning off and on for a number of years and have sold quite a bit, but mostly for gifts, boxes, architectural portraits, etc. Lately, making walking sticks as gifts. Your work and website is inspiring me to get back to more serious work.
Wow, Brenda, Wow, I thought I was good. You are REALLY good. Just started blogging (a week ago) and decided to see what happened if I clicked on one of my interest links. who knew? Great way to network. I've been woodburning off and on for a number of years and have sold quite a bit, but mostly for gifts, boxes, architectural portraits, etc. Lately, making walking sticks as gifts. Your work and website is inspiring me to get back to more serious work.